My Sister’s Tuna Salad, or Why I Hate Mayonnaise

November 28, 2012 § Leave a comment


I’ve neglected my blog for the past few months.  I apologize.  But I’ve been relatively productive in the “real life” section of the human experience, so please do forgive me.

On to today’s topic: tuna salad.  Normally, I do not eat tuna salad.  I find it smelly, squishy, and all together unpleasant.  The most basic example of tuna salad is a can of tuna and several large dollops of mayonnaise.  Ew.

I do actually like canned tuna.  I put in mac and cheese for an easy dinner.  I like it in Galician style empanada.  Tuna casserole?  Bring it on.  I think my real aversion to typical tuna salad has always been linked to the amount of mayo that holds it together.

The mayonnaise I am talking about is the store bought stuff.  The slightly off-white jars that dominate large sections of the condiment aisle.  One look inside such a jar elicits a reaction of pure terror.  I honestly do not know why some folks have such deep attachment to the strange, white substance that has a consistency somewhere between jell-o and slime.  And it smells funky, too.

I’m grossing myself out just writing about it.

Homemade mayonnaise, however, is a completely different (and delicious) beast.  But that’s a topic for another time.

But this tuna salad, friends, is quite unique among the tuna salads I’ve seen.  It is tangy, with a little crunch, and just the right hint of unexpected sweetness.

My sister, Liz, introduced me to it this past summer.  I’ve since renounced my tuna salad hatred.  But only in regards to this particular recipe.  All others are on notice.

Here comes the airplane!

Liz’s Tangy Tuna Salad

1 can tuna, preferably water packed and chunk light

1/2 apple, diced; I used a Jazz, but other crispy varieties would work as well

1 hard boiled egg, diced

2 – 4 Tbsp of mustard;  that’s right, kids, mustard.  I used a mix of spicy brown and traditional yellow

1 medium sized pickle, diced (I didn’t have this on hand today when I mixed up my tuna salad; we are currently out; but you should definitely include it)

salt and pepper to taste

Mix everything except the salt and pepper in a small to medium sized bowl.  Add salt and pepper if you feel it to be needed.  Eat straight from the container.  Or, if you like, serve open faced on multigrain toast with a slice of cheese of your choice.

Serves 2, as heaped up on toast

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